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Regular Members - 18-25 Years Old

Over 40 years ago, in an effort to attract young adults to join UNICO National, it was decided, members 18-25 years old, would be billed a reduce annual dues and a waived application fee. In order for the billing data base to recognize these members and bill properly, the term “Youth Member” was created.


The UNICO National Constitution clearly states under Membership: “That they are persons at least 18 years of age…” It should be noted that there should be no other delineation other than dues and application fee for our members 18-25 years old. Our ‘Youth Members’ shall have the same voting rights as all other members and should be respected as Active members. This includes but is not limited to the following implementations:


  • It is the responsibility of our Chapter Presidents to ensure our 18–25-year-old members are invited to General Meetings, events and other UNICO functions.

    • Our 18–25-year-old members need to be recognized at meetings. Their voices need to be heard. Listen to their points of view, suggestions and new ideas for possible committees or fundraiser initiatives. They are the future of our UNICO chapters, and their contributions and insights will help UNICO thrive in years to come and for future generations. 


  • The email addresses of our 18–25-year-old members should be included in chapter email distribution lists. Since some of our younger members may be attending school out of the local area, by including their email address, they will be kept informed of chapter activities and encouraged to attend meetings when they are home. 


  • Chapters with websites should encourage young members to volunteer to maintain, update and make format changes that will attract potential new members of all ages. For chapter’s that do not have a website, this a perfect opportunity to get your young members involved by forming a Website Committee that will be responsible for monthly website initiatives to engage and bridge the gap between seasoned members and our young adults.


  • Communicating through social media and texting is very important to our young members. Instagram is a preferred social media vs Facebook. We might even suggest setting up a Social Media Committee, which may or may not be part of the Website Committee, where our youth members can actively update all social channels for their chapter. If not already on Instagram, ask young members to demonstrate the use of and the set-up of an Instagram account for their chapter of UNICO at a General Meeting. 



The strength of our future is the investment we make in our young adults.

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